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I took an interest in the social arts. I read, tried and tested almost everything I read locally as well as in different parts of the world like Spain, Italy, China, Hong Kong, Australia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Manila. I underwent intensive-training with my mentor, Troy (
I have been in that rut where nothing in life is beautiful and no one seemed to care if I was alive or not. The romance and love I craved so badly looked an impossible distance away, to a point where I even thought that it was just not going to happen anymore. Life was incredibly miserable. I was lonely, I was helpless and I really dreaded each and every day that was coming my way. I hated that.
Thankfully, I found a solution.
I was able to not only find a way out, but to attain a lifestyle that was beyond my dreams.
Dating-wise, I have come from a place of inferiority and scarcity to a place of endless possibility. My personal philosophy when it comes to meeting women is to give them what they want in the first place. With this mindset, I have been blessed to have had quality relationships with amazing women who have made undeniable positive impact to my life and I hope that I have been able to do the same for. If you women are reading this, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to all of you for the experiences that I have learnt so much from. I will not be where I am at without any of you. And I still love Van Houten Almond chocolates -hint hint-.
Today, I am proud to have acquired an impressive track record. I am the first and only born-and-bred in Singapore Dating Coach to achieve INTERNATIONAL status under the global organization, Troy Dizon Dating. This has allowed me the opportunity to coach and train people from all over the World. Apart from the Asian clients from Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, and China, I have trained men from Australia, Europe and America as well.
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My success has also seen me gain respect on the Global stage. My site, A Life To Love (
) is ranked the #1 Singaporean Dating Coach Site and one of the top in Asia according to The Seduction List, PUAWorld.org and PUAgathering.com.
All this success lead to to conduct possibly the biggest project that any date-coaching company has ever taken part in : A Date Coaching course called Foundations Of Attraction for the Ministry Defence of Singapore.
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Some clients want to date multiple women, some want to be able to find that one special girl in their lives. I am not one to judge, I just take great pride in being trusted and being able to help them achieve their desired goal. I want to help men develop themselves into MEN that their women, friends and families can be proud of.
I may come across as arrogant, in your face. I am well aware of that. Say what you want about my clients and me, but real credibility cannot be denied. I have gone through a multitude of experiences since 2007 to get to where I am today and more than anybody, I feel that I understand the challenges men faced during this self-improvement stage. This is why I am good at what I do and have such a high success rate when it comes to coaching my clients.
I look forward to getting in touch with you soon, dear reader.
Live and Love,
TDD Instructor for Singapore & Asia
Skype : xavierrrr
God, I hate the fucks that say this shit. They think they sound all smart and got it all figured out, but the child porn "industry" does not follow market policy. Demand creates supply when there's something to gain from supplying the demand. No one would dare BUY pornography in this day and age, and even less would buy CHILD pornography. Why the hell would anyone want to leave a money trail to that shit? There's no money to be made in child pornography. Child slave trafficking, yeah. But not simple pictures and videos.
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What a douchebag. Brags about banging 3s and 4s. Pathetic
Should have seen his cockfest birthday party at St. James, LOL. Over a dozen loser Singaporean dudes bragging to each other about how awesome they are without a single girl with them and not noticing that all the girls in the club were trying to run away from their stench. Pathetic douchebags, haha
ROFL, that's not buck teeth, that's just a C-shaped smile.
Or was that U-shaped?
Anyway I never said she's a HB10, I just think that she'll be fun to rape. She looks like such a good, decent, god fearing girl, her pussy would probably look extra delicious when shaved completely bare of hair...
has a girlfriend named
. He calls her HB10.
Xavier See has been exposed in the straits times paper in singapore as a sleezy fraud, loser, and pervert.
The article was buried inside the life section on page E10.
Besides the photo of his pathetic face, here are some quotes that speak for themselves.
"Today, I am learning how to be a jerk. My instructor, Xavier See, is teaching me how to be that cocky brute who gets the girl... They are the horny yang to the chaste ying peddled by female dating coaches... 'I AM A MAN!' Xavier yells, startling me and the people in the cafe."
"There is the intense sexual stare, followed by the
. There is the use of words with double meaning. For example, 'Let's meet on Friday. Let's do it.' The 'it', says Mr. See, will resonate sexually. The welcome-to-my-lair vibe was getting a little rich and I had to suppress the urge to make an Austin Powers-style quip, as in, 'Do I make you horny, baby?'"
The reporter does 3 approaches and gets 1 number at the end. "Mr. See, Mr. Lalwani, and I head home, riding high on a cloud of high-fives and back-slaps. We rock. We are men. We are Vikings on a rampage! ... The next day, I call the woman, ... It was an interesting chat, but no, she would not have gone out with me because she has a boyfriend. So why did she give me her number? I ask. 'I'm a sales promoter. I give my number to everyone. It doesn't mean anything,' she says... I thank her and hang up."
Finally an objective report of the SCAM run by Xavier and Troy Dizon. What do you expect from losers who only get ugly Asians?
Hey bro, could you post a link to the source?
I would like to have a good look at it.
I've seen the videos on razortv and those were a hoot, but that was years ago.
This is Nessa (right). Xavier was so proud fucking this girl that he made a lay report on her. He is like a virgin boy who just lost his virginity to a ugly Asian girl and goes around promoting that he fucked HB10s. But the truth of the matter is we know what kind of ugly bitches this "Master PUA" is
I'll take the high road and not comment on people's looks...
but hasn't it always been a REALLY fucking sleazy thing to do to write "lay reports" about women you've had sex with...
and even worse to BRAG about it...
and even worse to fictionalise and exaggerate things in order to influence other men into believing you're some sort of ladies man?
I think it is unwise to comment on her looks. Yes, she is not that good looking. We get your point. I think this guy Xavier is piece of shit.